Three visual artists from the Greater Hartford Academy of the Arts Half Day have been honored for their contributions in helping call attention for the need of organ donors.
Donate Life Connecticut is a statewide coalition that brings awareness for the need of organ donation. As teenagers approach driving age, the group felt the need to ask for help in attracting young donors. The result is an annual high school poster contest.
Three awards out of statewide submissions have been awarded to artist from the Academy. Included in that is first prize, awarded to Southington sophomore Skyler Cassidy. Cassidy’s poster (pictured here) involves human arms creating hearts superimposed over a sky blue background with messages of saving lives. The arms photographed were of her fellow Academy artists while the drawn hearts were done from a drawing tablet integrated with Photoshop.
In addition, two other Academy students have been awarded. One of them is Aeris Milik who received honorable mention for her cartoon of a character reading a newspaper asking for organ donors. Included was a photo another Academy student.
The “Tony Award” submission goes to Academy student Nicole Drinan for her piece of one hand reaching out to help many others. The hands were photographed of her fellow Academy artists.
All entries from the Academy were from the Intro to Photography class taught by artist instructor/photographer Carrie Ricciardelli. The implementation of photography was a requirement for submissions from the class but not for the contest.

First Place -Skyler Cassidy
Honorable Mention: Aeris Milik
Tony Award: Nicole Drinan