Four student costume designers and two artist instructors are utilizing their talents to help provide masks for the medical community. Theater Design and Production students Jadyn Moore, Kaci-Ann Headley, Elizabeth Lopez, and Emily Feivelson have all volunteered their time at home in piecing together re-usable facemasks to be used by doctors and nurses at local facilities. They are working under the guidance of artist instructor/costume designer Gail Fresia and artist instructor Rachel Sinay.
At the time of this writing, approximately 60 masks have been made all from their families’ sewing machines. The long term goal is to create a couple hundred masks within a week.
The volunteer effort started when an outside group consisting of medical professionals approached music dept. chair Gene Bozzi to ask if anyone at the school would like to help in their efforts on building these masks. They were directed to Gail Fresia who put out the call to her student designers. This outside group provided the supplies to create masks that are efficient enough to protect against illness. Fresia in turn instructed her students on the process “We have a skill right now that they can use and everyone came to help,” she explains.
Since all teaching and learning during the Covid-19 pandemic is being done remotely, the students and instructors involved in this effort have been meeting via Zoom on Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays. Their work is completely voluntary.
The masks are set to be delivered to local medical facilities who are currently in desperate need for them. Pickup and delivery will be arranged from this outside group who have also coordinated with other volunteers in the area.