Academy alumni and current faculty member Kathryn Pateric is the third place winner of the “Ultimate Online Cosplay Championship.” Her submission was of an Aes Sedai, a fictitious being from the fantasy novel “The Wheel of Time.” The design was of her own creative interpretation from research and descriptions from the novel. For inspiration, she referenced Victorian era styles.
The work was created under her brand Redfield Designs which was started while Pateric was in college studying fabric sculpture. She says she finds Cosplay to be very welcoming as you can be more versatile by utilizing props and unconventional items such as things that light up. This particular design’s process is similar to how theater/film costume designing is achieved in that there is no existing illustration of the character portrayed.
She designed the winning project well before knowledge of an online Cosplay Competition was even known to her. She later learned of the event from one of the judges she follows on social media. To enter, she had to submit 4 unedited photos, a process photo, and a description on how it was done.
What was very unique to her work was how the character’s image was left completely to her as a designer. Many Cosplay and subsequently the submissions were of recognizable characters from video games, comic books, etc. In fact, many do not like judging submissions that aren’t recognizable. Some of the judges in this case however; have read the book that her design came from and were able to understand the vision.