Broadway/TV Great Visits the Academy
Posted on 03/01/2018
Jackie Hoffman GHAA

Actress, singer, and stand-up comedian Jackie Hoffman spent the day at the CREC Greater Hartford Academy of the Arts. Hoffman, whose credits include Broadway, film, and television work-shopped with students from the musical theater department in one of many master classes offered by the Academy. Students each took turns performing songs while receiving professional critiques. The experience, she says, had a positive impact for her. “The cliché; is true, I learned more from them than they did from me" she wrote on her Twitter page.

Hoffman Twitter GHAAHoffman has performed as Prudy Pingleton in Broadway’s “Hairspray” as well as Grandmama in the “Addams Family.” She can also be seen on HBOs “Curb Your Enthusiasm” and NBC’s “30 Rock.” She is a veteran of Chicago’s famed Second City improv troop.

The Academy holds many master classes with visiting artists throughout the year as part of its curriculum.

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